Employee Master Report
Employee Master Report
This report prints a single line of basic information for each employee. The printing of sensitive rate data is optional. You must also select the employee class and work class to print.
This is a good report to provide a department head, such as housekeeping, a list of all their employees and phone numbers. If you opt not to print rates, it may then be posted or distributed.
Click the image to view a sample report.
Key Information
- Availability—Standard report
- Security—Depending on the option it includes pay rates
- Options—Include/exclude Job/Rates or employee data only. Can also choose to include/exclude inactive employees
- Options—User selects a date range, employee class, work class, whether to include inactive employees and can filter by division/department/job
- Defaults—Current pay period for all departments with no inactive employees for whichever class is selected
- Usage—Prints by department with or without rates of pay all employees
- Data Source—Employee Maintenance, Personnel Tab / Status Tab
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