Shift Audit Report

This report lists all shifts that had errors and were corrected.

Click image to view a sample report.

Key Information

  • Availability—Standard report 
  • Security—  Not sensitive
  • Options—User selects date range, sorts by User or Employee, determines whether they want to only view employees who audited their own records (Self Audits Only), chooses whether to print with or without employee numbers, and Filter by division/department/job.
  • Defaults—Current pay period for all departments
  • Usage—Audit trail for employee shift errors and resolutions
  • Data Source—System generated from Time Cards, Enter Manually / Poll Clock

Report Options

From Date/To DateSelect the date range for which the report should be run.
Self Audits OnlyShow only changes made by the current user.
Sort by UserSort the shift data alphabetically by UserID.
Sort by EmployeeSort the shift data alphabetically by employee name.
Print Employee IDInclude Employee ID in the report.
Filter Selection By
  • Division/Department/Job—Include employees from specific Divisions, Departments, and/or Jobs, in the report.
  • Employee—Select specific employees to be included in the report.
Show All EmployeesInclude all employees in the report.

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