Running reports

There are three ways to run (or generate) reports:

Running a report from the report screen

UniFocus is currently transitioning reports from their original locations in the Reports (  ) menu to the new Reporter module. If your property is not using Reporter, access reports from the Reports (  ) menu.

Note: If your property is using Reporter, be aware that not all reports have been migrated. If you cannot find a report in Reporter, check to see whether it is in its original location in the Reports menu ( ).

  1. In the toolbar, click the Display the report menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, select the report you want to configure and run.
    The report screen appears. 
  3. Configure the report as necessary.
    For more information, see Configuring reports.
  4. Click Run (  ). 
    The report is generated.

Running the report from Reporter

Reporter centralizes all 


reports, including client-specific and multiple-property reports. For more information, see Reporter.

  1. Do one of the following to access Reporter:
    • If you are using the UniFocus Mobile App:
      •  Go to the URL provided by your UniFocus Project Manager.
    • If you are using


      1.  Click the Display the report menu icon (  ).
      2. From the drop-down list, select Reporter.
        The Reporter screen appears.
  2. If necessary, search for the report you want to run.
  3. Double-click the name and description of the report you want to open.
    The report opens in a new tab. 
  4. Configure the report as necessary.

    Note: You must select a database and property to generate a report.

  5. At the bottom of the screen, click Generate Report.
    The Generate Report dialog box appears.
  6. Click the option you want. 

    Note: The available format options depend on the report type.

    The report is generated. If you selected to view the report, the report opens in a new tab.  

Running a report in Task Scheduler

Task Scheduler is mainly used to schedule frequently used reports to run automatically. However, if a report has already been scheduled to run on a specified day and time, you can choose to run the report immediately on the Task Scheduler screen.

For information on running a report in Task Scheduler, see Running a Scheduled Task Now.