Employee Audit Report

This report prints all changes made to any employee from the Employee Maintenance screens. Also denoted is the person who logged in and made the change as well as the date that the change was made. You can also choose to only view audits that were made manually, by reconcile, or both, as well as whether to view employees who modified their own punch/pay records.

Click image to view a sample report.

Key Information

  • Availability—Standard report 
  • Security— Shows rates of pay for status changed employees
  • Options—User selects date range, filters by division/department/job, and whether to only view self auditing employees.
  • Defaults—Current pay period for all departments
  • Usage—Audit trail for all employee master changes
  • Data Source—System generated from Employee Maintenance

Report Options

From Date/To Date Select the date range for which the report should be run.
SourceView audits done manually, by reconcile, or both.
Self Audits OnlyShow only changes made by the current user.
Filter Selection By
  • Division/Department/Job—Include employees from specific Divisions, Departments, and/or Jobs, in the report.
  • Employee—Select specific employees to be included in the report.

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