Navigating the System

Navigating the System

All tasks can be accessed from the toolbar, which is located at the top of every screen.

The main navigational menu consists of four icons representing tasks in four operational environments: 

The Home screen also contains a Welcome to UniFocus section which displays major work categories, while the lower section displays the tasks you can perform within that category. The Status Bar (lower right corner) provides information such as alerts and access to some utilities.

  Click the image to view a full size screen shot.


Show the previous page/Show the next page

Navigate forward and back through pages you have viewed.

Reload the current page

Refreshes the data on the page.

Display the home page

Navigate back to the home page.

Display the main menu

Provides access to all areas of the program.

The areas include:

  • Labor
  • Time and Attendance
  • Financial
  • Admin

Display the report menu

Provides access to all reports.

Display the analytics menu

Provides access to the Attendance Dashboard, the Labor Dashboard, and the Manager Portal.

Display the system setup menu

Provides access to all system setup and configuration screens.
Help menu

Opens the Online Help page, the Online Training page, the UniFocus Support page, and the Quick Reference Videos page.


Preferences menu

This menu contains the following options:

  1. Views—Avoid manually selecting options for the different ways you typically view a schedule. For example, you might frequently view the schedule for the whole F&B Department, as well as just the Servers schedule. You would set all the criteria for how you want to view the F&B Department schedule then save it as a view. Follow the same procedure with the Servers. Thereafter, you would select the appropriate view from the drop-down list to view the different scenarios. Once created, you can use the following options: 
      • Delete Current View
      • Rename Current View
      • Duplicate Current View
      • Make Current View The Default—This function is also used to configure views for running the Weekly Schedule Report.
  2. Clear Cache—Clears the cache of the


    embedded browser.

    Note: Although clearing the cache does not negatively affect


    , this function should only be used by UniFocus Support and Implementation for troubleshooting purposes.

Login ID

Provides login ID, ability to switch the database/property, change password, and logout.

Status Bar

  • Show the status alerts—Indicates that there are issues such as pending employee requests. The number indicates the number of issues. These alerts indicate issues occurring on the current or previous day. Clicking on the icon displays a message indicating the exact number and type(s) of issues. Clicking on the message takes you directly to the screen pertaining to the issue.
  • Show the error alerts—Indicates that there are issues such as shift errors and employee attendance. The number indicates the number of issues. These alerts indicate issues occurring on the current or previous day. Clicking on the icon displays a message indicating the exact number and type(s) of issues. Clicking on the message takes you directly to the screen pertaining to the issue.
  • PropertyDisplays the property that is currently open. Click to open the Switch Property window.
  • Server/Session Info—Displays technical information used by Tech Support for troubleshooting purposes.
  • Memory—Displays technical information used by Tech Support for troubleshooting purposes.


Adds new items.


Sorts the data on the screen according to the criteria indicated.


Copies the selected item.


Edits the information for the selected item.


Filter the list of data you are viewing.


Move items in a list up and/or down in priority.


View a history of changes that have been made to the screen.