Switch Database/Property

If your organization is configured for multiple properties and/or if you own other programs that use a separate database, you may need to switch properties. If your organization is configured with only one property, you will not need to switch properties and you should proceed to the section of this manual pertaining to the tasks you want to complete.

  Click image to see a full size screen shot.

Fields on the Switch Property dialog box

DatabaseSelect a database.
PropertySelect a property.
Filter drop-down list

Filter the property by:

  • All
  • Active
  • Inactive
Save as defaultMakes the selected database the default.
OKSwitches to the selected database.
CancelCancels the switch of database and/or property.

Switching the Database and/or Property

  1. Click on your login in the User Menu.
  2. Select Switch Database/Property.
    The Switch Property dialog box appears.
  3. Select a different Database from the drop-down list if appropriate.
  4. Select a Property from the list. Use the Search feature if desired.
  5. Select All, Active, or Inactive from the drop-down list.
  6. Select Set to Default if you want to always open to this database.
  7. Click OK.
    The dialog box closes and your changes are applied.