eSurvey Administration with codes (not emailed)

Best Practices for Administering STAFFScope using survey codes

  • Print the Survey Code spreadsheet.
  • Cut the printed version such that each code/URL and department designation displays on one slip of paper.
  • Place slips of paper with the same department/sub-department in the same container.  You may use an envelope, hat, bowl etc… to store the codes.
  • Label the envelope, hat, bowl, etc… with the department and sub-department.
  • When an associate is ready to take the survey, have them choose from the appropriate container for their department/sub-department.
  • Check off of your master list to indicate that the person has taken the survey.
  • DO NOT WRITE THE CODE NUMBER NEXT TO THE INDIVIDUAL'S NAME.  This process ensures that associates are provided the maximum degree of confidentiality.
  • Securely store codes when the survey is not being administered.
  • LINK TO THE SURVEY: (this URL is included on each slip of paper from the code sheet)
  • The employee simply enters the code and clicks on Take Survey.
  • They can change the language in the top right hand corner of the survey.

  • Each code can only be used once. You do not need to keep codes after they have been used.

Remember – Three people in any sub-department must respond for sub-department scores to display separately on your reports. All responses are included for overall scores.