Manage Staff List and Notifications

Select "Add/Edit Staff Members" in MEETINGScope Administration. p Staff Members

Complete the fields to "Add a Staff Member". It is important to add the name of the person exactly how it appears in the event management system. Click Add Staff Member when complete.

The staff member's name will appear on the staff list.


To deactivate an existing staff member – click on the Profile link and uncheck the Active box.

When a new staff member is added to the system, MEETINGScope verifies that staff member by his/her email address. If that email address is already in use or has been used previously, a message similar to the one shown below will appear:


There are two ways to continue with the addition of the staff member:

  1. If you know (or can get from the staff member) their password you can enter it and continue. This means the person will have access to the property you are adding them to as well as any previous locations that were setup. This is how you may grant a staff member access to multiple properties. If you do not know their password you may follow the instructions from the "How to Retrieve My Password".
  2. If you do not believe the new staff member should have access to any other locations, send an email to the UniFocus support desk at

 Click on "Add/Edit Notifications & Flash Reports" under MEETINGScope Administration 

There are two types of notifications:

(1) by person in which a person receives all survey results (via email) regardless of who sold or planned the meeting/event and

(2) by role in which the Sales, Catering and Conference Services Managers receive the survey results for ONLY the meeting/events he/she either sold or planned.

Use the drop down boxes to select who needs these notifications. Click Add Notification
During the initial set up, Notifications by Role are usually established. In the example below, the Conference Services Manager, Catering Manager and Sales Representatives at this property will receive all scores on all survey results for meetings in which they served in one of those roles. The staff must be listed in one of those roles in the event management system and included in the export file UniFocus receives with the meeting and event details.

 Additional notifications are available below under "Weekly Flash Reports & Interface Confirmations".

Using the drop down boxes choose what staff members need to receive what reports on a weekly basis.

  • Interface (export file from event management system) Not Processed Recently
  • Interface Processed
  • Weekly Single-User Flash Report
  • Weekly Whole-Property Flash Report

 Flash Reports are emailed weekly and include the following information.

  • Recent Feedback
  • Upcoming Meetings
  • Surveys waiting to follow up on (more than one week old)

Monthly emails are also available to notify you when the monthly reports are posted.