_ReleaseNotes - Reporter

_ReleaseNotes - Reporter

The page contains release notes for Unifocus Reporter and includes the following sections:

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Improvements and new features

Redesigned Reporter software

This release includes redesigned Reporter software, which centralizes all Unifocus, client-specific, and multiple-property reports. 

With Reporter, you can do the following:

  • View and access all reports on one screen. 
  • Search for reports by name or keywords.
  • Filter reports by tags.
  • Set reports as favorites.
  • Configure parameters and parameter sets.
  • Task-schedule reports.
  • Preview reports.
  • Generate reports in various outputs.

This version of Reporter features the following improvements:

  • Enhanced design offers improved icons, graphics, visual indicators, tooltips, and hover text.
  • Redesigned configuration screens for individual reports organize information into three key areas: parameter sets, configuration, and task scheduling.
  • The task scheduling component of Reporter is now closely integrated with the redesigned Task Scheduler software. For example, when you schedule a report from the Reporter configuration screen, the Create New Task wizard of Task Scheduler appears. 

For more information on Reporter, see Reporter.

For more information on the different reports available in 


, see Reports.

Work Rules Configuration report is now available in Reporter  (25029)

The Work Rules Configuration report is now available in Reporter. This report is associated with the System Setup tag.



versions: Version 10.3 and later.

KBI Configuration report in Reporter  (25544)

The KBI Configuration report is now available in Reporter.



versions: Version 10.3 and later.

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Employee Configuration report is now available in Reporter  (25545)

The Employee Configuration report is now available in Reporter. This report is associated with the System Setup tag.



versions: Version 10.3 and later.

Changes to default parameter settings in reports  (24952, 24953, 24594, 24955)

The default parameter settings have been updated in the following reports:

  • Shift Details (24952)
  • Earning Details (24953)
  • Earning Details by Employee (24954)
  • Earning Details with Notes (24955)



versions: Version 10.3 and later.

Fixed issues

Coming soon



The Weekly Schedule report runs as expected.


In some instances of the previous Reporter release, users received an error when attempting to run the Weekly Schedule report. 

SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Weekly Schedule report runs as expected.
Updated versionsVersion 10.8 and later.



The Earning Details report configuration screen displays all screen components, as expected.


In some instances of the previous Reporter release, when you opened the Earning Details report configuration screen, the screen was blank.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Earning Details report configuration screen displays all screen components, as expected.
Updated versionsVersion 10.8 and later.


Updates on 1/30/2023



All property-level users can now view shared parameter sets in the redesigned Reporter software, as expected.


In each report type, there are often sets of form values, or parameters, that you run frequently. Reporter allows you to save these commonly reused parameter sets, edit them, and apply them to a report. 

Note: In previous versions of Reporter, these parameter sets were called report views.

Users with property-level access to Reporter should be able to view shared public parameter sets, regardless of the partner code used to create the shared parameter sets.

In some instances of the previous Reporter release, only users who were logged in with the same partner code that was used to create the shared parameter set could view the parameter set. For example, if a user who was logged in with the partner code Client 1 created a shared parameter set, only other users at the same property who were logged in with Client 1 could view that parameter. Users at the same property who were logged in with partner code Client 2 could not view the parameter set. 

SolutionThe software has been updated so all property-level users can now view shared parameter sets in the redesigned Reporter software, as expected.
Updated versionsVersion 10.8 and later.

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In Reporter, the option selected in the Week End field of the Weekly Schedule report configuration screen moves forwards and backwards in increments of one week, as expected.


In some instances of previous Reporter releases, the Week End field of the Weekly Schedule report configuration screen did not update correctly. Instead of moving forwards and backwards a full week, the date occasionally moved in increments of 6 days.

Note: Week Ending Day and Period End Date fields for your property are configured on the Property Labor/Scheduler Setup screen.

SolutionThe Reporter software has been updated so that the option selected in the Week End field selection of the Weekly Schedule report configuration screen moves forwards and backwards in increments of one week, as expected.




Version 10.8 and later.



Reporter displays data only for labor structure levels to which the user who generated the report was given access.


If a user is granted limited access to the labor structure, reports generated by that user should display data only for the divisions, departments, or jobs to which the user has been granted access.

In some instances of previous Reporter releases, when a user with limited access to the labor structure generated a report for all divisions, the report displayed data for all labor structure levels, including labor structure levels to which the user was not given access.


The software has been updated so that reports display data only for labor structure levels to which the user who generated the report was given access.

Affected versionsVersion 10.8 and later.

Updates on 1/17/2023



The printed Earnings Detail report now displays only the selected earnings, as expected.


The Earning Details report allows you to select which earnings you want to appear in the printed report.

In some instances of previous releases, the printed reports displayed all earnings, even if you selected only specific earnings. 

SolutionThe software has been updated so that the printed Earnings Detail report now displays only the selected earnings, as expected.
Updated versionsVersion 10.8 and later.

Past updates



As expected, the Labor Standards report now displays labor standards for a job when the selected dataset has a different standard type than the master standard set.


In some instances of previous releases, the Labor Standards report did not display labor standards for a job when the selected dataset had a different standard type than the master standard set.

For example, the master standard set has a Salaried standard type associated with a job, and the Budget 2020 standard set has a KBI Related standard type associated with that job. When the report was run for the job, the KBI Related standards were not included in the report, and the columns in the Shift Related Standards section displayed incorrect Salaried data.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Labor Standards report now displays labor standards for a job when the selected dataset has a different standard type than the master standard set.


Version 10.4 and later.



Managers can only view reports for divisions, departments, or jobs to which they have access. 


In some instances of previous releases, when a manager with access to only certain levels of the labor structure tried to access a saved or shared report view, the report configuration screen allowed them to select from any or all divisions, departments, and jobs. Because of this issue, managers who should only have access to certain divisions, departments, or jobs were able to generate and print reports for all levels of the labor structure.


The software has been updated so that managers can only view reports for divisions, departments, or jobs to which they have access. 



Version 10.3 and later.


SummaryUsers with Can View Costs permissions can now view costs data on Labor reports generated from Reporter, as expected.

In some instances of previous Reporter releases, users with the appropriate Can View Costs permissions were unable to see costs data on Labor reports generated from Reporter.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that users with Can View Costs permissions can now view costs data on Labor reports generated from Reporter, as expected.




Version 10.3 and later.



When you select Print on the Employee Schedules screen, the Weekly Schedule report is automatically filtered to show only the schedules for labor structure levels that you selected in Employee Schedules.


When you select the Print button on the Employee Schedules screen, the Weekly Schedule report configuration screen opens in a separate tab. When you select Generate Report on the report configuration screen, the resulting report should contain only the schedules for the labor structure levels that you selected using the filters on the Employee Schedules screen.

In some instances of previous releases, when you selected Print on the Employee Schedules screen, the generated report contained schedules for all labor structure levels in the property. Filtered reports could only be generated by configuring the report directly from Reporter.


The software has been updated so that, when you configure and generate the Weekly Schedule report from Employee Schedules, the report is filtered to show only the schedules for labor structure levels that you selected in Employee Schedules.




Version 10.3 and later.



In Reporter, when the Budget Structure Display filter is selected in the Hours and Costs Labor Analysis report configuration screen, the budget structure from the dataset is now correctly displayed in the Filter section.


In Reporter, when you select the Budget Structure Display filter in the Hours and Costs Labor Analysis report configuration screen, the budget structure from the dataset should appear in the Filter section. From this menu, you can select lines in the budget structure to appear in the generated report.

In some instances of previous releases, when you selected the Budget Structure Display filter, the Filter section updated with an empty budget structure. Because of this issue, you could not select lines in the budget structure.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that when the Budget Structure Display filter is selected in the Hours and Costs Labor Analysis report configuration screen, the budget structure from the dataset is now correctly displayed in the Filter section.



Version 10.3 and later.



As expected, users with Security access (Administration > Security) to any portion of Budgeting can view and filter by budget lines in Reporter configuration screens for Budgeting reports. 


By default, a user with Security access (Administration > Security) to any portion of Budgeting should be able to view and filter by budget lines in Reporter configuration screens for Budgeting reports. Lines are hidden only if an administrator restricts access to specific parts of Budgeting. 

In some instances of previous releases, users with Security access to Budgeting were unable to view or filter by budget lines in Reporter configuration screens for Budgeting reports. If users ran these Budgeting reports through Reporter, the generated report was blank.

SolutionThe software has been updated to restore default Budgeting report functionality in Reporter so that users with access to a portion of Budgeting can view and filter by budget lines in Reporter configuration screens for Budgeting reports.



Version 10.3 and later.



In Reporter, the Day By Day Job Details report can now be downloaded.


In some instances of previous Reporter releases, when you selected Generate Report and then selected Download Excel from the resulting Generate Report dialog box, the Day By Day Job Details report did not download.

Note: The download process depends on whether you are using Unifocus Desktop Launcher or different supported browsers to run 


. For example, in some browsers, the Excel file might download directly to your computer's Downloads folder. If launched from Desktop Launcher, a file manager window appears, prompting you to select a destination for the downloaded file.


SolutionThe software has been updated so when you select Download Excel from the Generate Report dialog box, the excel file downloads as expected.



Version 10.3 and later.



When you select Yes on the Display Only Shifts with Errors option on the Shift Details report configuration screen, the generated report displays only shifts with errors, as expected.


In some instances of previous releases, when you selected Yes on the Display Only Shifts with Errors option on the Shift Details report configuration screen, the generated report contained information for all shifts, including shifts with and without punch errors.


The software has been updated so that when you select Yes on the Display Only Shifts with Errors option on the Shift Details report configuration screen, the generated report displays only shifts with errors, as expected.




 Version 10.3 and later.



The Hours and Earnings Recap report contains data for all employees, regardless of job effective date.


In some instances of previous releases, when running the Hours and Earnings Recap report, employees with a job effective date that occurred within the selected date range did not appear in the report. For example, if you selected the date range of 9/20/2021-10/20/2021, details for an employee with a job effective date of 10/10/2021 did not appear on the generated report.


The software has been updated so that the Hours and Earnings report contains data for all employees who meet the criteria you selected on the report configuration screen, regardless of their job effective date.




Version 10.3 and later.



In Reporter, managers can now select whether to show employees with private schedules in the Weekly Schedule report.


In earlier Reporter releases, the Weekly Schedule report configuration screen contained a Show Employees with Schedule Privacy Restrictions toggle. If the toggle was turned off, managers received a list of employees who would not be displayed on the report because they had privacy settings enabled. If the toggle was turned on and if there were employees with schedule privacy enabled, managers received a warning message:

This report will show employees who have elected for their schedules to be kept private from their peers. DO NOT POST.

In recent Reporter releases, the Weekly Schedule report configuration screen did not contain a Show Employees with Schedule Privacy Restrictions toggle; therefore, users could not select whether to show employees with private schedules in the Weekly Schedule report. 

SolutionThe software has been updated so that managers can now select whether to show employees with private schedules in the Weekly Schedule report.


Version 10.4 and later.

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 users are able to access Adhoc reports if they have been granted permission to do so.


In some instances of previous releases, if group access was granted to Adhoc reports in User Administration, users with that access were unable to access the reports. 


The software has been updated so that


 users are able to access Adhoc reports if they have been granted permission in User Administration.



Version 10.6 and later.

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