_TimeClockUI - overview - versions 120 and later

_TimeClockUI - overview - versions 120 and later

Version 120 of the Unifocus Time Clock introduces a new look and feel along with an enhanced user experience. The new Time Clock user interface features the following key changes and improvements:

  • A new color scheme that provides stronger visual emphasis of messages, buttons, and actions. 
  • An updated Unifocus logo.
  • Improved icons, graphics, and visual indicators.
  • An updated layout that repositions buttons for optimal performance.

This page provides images of v.120+ Time Clock screens. 

Click the images below to view in full size.

Clock status icons



This icon in the upper-left corner of the screen indicates that the Time Clock is online.

If the Time Clock loses connectivity, it will still allow employees to punch In and punch Out, but it will not allow enrolling employees because it needs to communicate to the Time & Attendance application for that function.


This icon in the upper-left corner of the screen indicates that the Time Clock is offline.

As soon as connectivity is restored, all information stored locally by the Time Clock will be updated into the Time & Attendance application.

Software upgraded

This icon in the upper-left corner of the screen indicates that the Time Clock software has been upgraded.

Employee screens

Employee screens are used by all employees who are required to enter their time in a Unifocus Time Clock.

Logging in (for employees)

The employee enters their ID and PIN.

Enter Employee ID

Employee Login Screen    

Enter Employee PIN


Pending shift and earning adjustments

If the employee has a pending shift or earning adjustments, those screens appear after login. The employee can choose to approve or dispute adjustments before entering a punch or postpone the adjustments until the next punch.

Shift Adjustments Pending

Earning Adjustments Pending

The Employee Welcome screen

After resolving shift or earning adjustment issues, the Employee Welcome screen appears. From this screen, the employee can enter a punch or access one of the additional options.

Entering Punches

After entering a punch, the employee receives a confirmation message.


Additional Options

The options that are available in the Additional Options section depend on how the employee is configured in the Unifocus software.

Switch Job

Enter Tips


Enroll Employee

My Shifts


Fix Punch

Administrator screens

Users who manage employees or work in HR might have administrative access to Time Clocks. Logging in to the Time Clock as an administrator allows users to do the following:

  • Enroll new employees.
  • Re-enroll existing employees.
  • Refresh the Time Clock application so that newly added employees can use the Time Clock.
  • Shut down the Time Clock application.
  • Test the variety of sounds on the Time Clock.

Logging in (for administrators)

Although the Admin login and and Enter PIN screens are identical to the employee login screens, administrators use both an ID and PIN that is different from their employee credentials that they use to enter their punches. See the Logging In section above for images of these screens.

Note: If administrative users do not know their admin credentials, they should contact their Unifocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM).

The Administrator main screen

The Admin main screen appears after you enter your administrator credentials. 

Enter Employee ID to enroll

Refreshed Employee List confirmation

Clock Settings

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