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The Work Content and Workflow views enable you to more efficiently view, plan, and manage labor for event-related jobs in your organization. 

The Work Content view

Work content refers to the amount of work to do for anevent  event-related job.Examples  Examples of work content for banquet housemen include include setting up and tearing down for events, providing water service to meeting rooms, and refreshing rooms between events. 

The Work Content view in Timeline Scheduling is a graphical representation of of undistributed work content—that content, which is , work content that cannot be accomplished with the planned shifts that comprise in the manager's plan. The Work Content view is intended to assist assists the manager in understanding how the managers manager's planned shifts match up to compare with the work content so that the manager can arrive at create a schedule of shifts that is sufficient to accomplish all the work for the planning period. , which is work content for which shifts have not yet been created. You can automatically create a number of planned shifts that are suggested by the Work Content view. This functionality allows you to more quickly create schedules to cover necessary work

The Workflow view

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The Workflow view displays how work is flowed relative to the manager's planned shifts. Each planned shift appears as a block on the timeline. With the Workflow view, you can see work content as it is assigned to the planned shifts to better understand the amount of work that will be done throughout each day.

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