Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon ( 
    Include Page
    Main menu 9x icon 20px
    Main menu 9x icon 20px
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Financial section, select Budgeting.
    The Budgeting screen appears in a separate tab.
    For more information, see Budgeting.
  3. Click the Utilities (gear) button ( 
    Include Page
    Gear menu icon 30px
    Gear menu icon 30px
  4. From the drop-down list, select Copy Dataset.
    The Copy Dataset dialog box appears.
    For more information, see Copy Datasets dialog box
  5. In the To Dataset section, complete the following steps to define the dataset to which information will be copied:
    1. From the Year drop-down list, select the year to which you will copy datasets. 
    2. From the Type drop-down list, select the type of dataset that information will be copied to.
  6. In the From Dataset section, complete the following steps to define the dataset from which information will be copied:


    Note: The From Dataset section defaults to periods 1 to 12. This default setting assumes you are copying one complete dataset to the To Dataset. If you are copying from more than one dataset, you can change these periods to specify which periods to include.

    1. Click the First Period cell and select the first period in the range of the dataset from which you are copying.
    2. Click the Last Period cell and select the last period in the range of the dataset from which you are copying..
    3. Click the Year cell and select a year of the dataset from which you are copying
    4. Click the Dataset cell and select a dataset from the drop-down list.
  7. Optionally, to add another dataset from which to copy, complete the following steps:
    1. Click Add Dataset.
      A new row appears.
    2. Repeat steps 6a to 6d. 
  8. Optionally, to delete a dataset, click to highlight the row and then click Delete Dataset.
  9. Select the appropriate check boxes if you want to exclude KBIs, hours, and/or rate adjustments in the new dataset.
  10. Click OK.
    The dialog box closes, and the dataset is created. It is named using the year and type that you selected in the To Dataset section.



 This table describes the fields and controls for the Copy Dataset dialog box.

To Dataset

Year to which the data (that is, the new set of budget lines) will be copied. This is the financial year that you will work with.



Type of budget dataset that will be copied. The dataset contains a set of budget lines for which dollar values are calculated.

These are the datasets found in the User Defined Datasets and System Defined Datasets screens.
From Dataset
First PeriodThe first period of the accounting year from which you will copy data. This period is the first in the range of the selected dataset.

Default setting is Per 1 (Period 1), which is the first period of the accounting year.

Last PeriodThe last period of the accounting year from which you will copy data. This period is the first in the range of the selected dataset.Default setting is Per 12 (Period 12), which is typically the last period of the accounting year.
YearYear from which you copy a period in the dataset. 

Budget dataset from which to copy into the dataset in the To Dataset section.

You must first select a Year before you can edit this field.
Buttons and check boxes
Add Dataset

Adds a new row in the From Dataset table. Use this option to add additional datasets from which you are copying data.

You can add up to 12 datasets.

Delete DatasetDeletes the selected dataset in the From Dataset table.You must first select a row before you click the Delete Dataset button.
Exclude KBIs

Excludes KBIs from the datasets that are being copied.

Makes KBI screen (start) blank. Don't bring kbis over. Some one will input forecast info

Exclude Hours

Excludes Hours from the datasets that are being copied.

not bringin in hours.

Exclude Rate Adjust

Excludes rate adjustments from the datasets that are being copied.

Does not bring in ot hours, adjusted hours, or adjusted rate from the adjust hours and rate screen from the From datasets. someone will do recalc budget to hours and rate adjustments

OKApplies your selections and closes the dialog box. 
CancelCloses the dialog box without applying your selections. 



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