_WATSON-23856 RN 9x

Acknowledgment for biometric enrollment  (23856)

A Biometric Acknowledgment screen is now available for employee enrollment in UniFocus Time Clocks that have biometrics enabled. The scrollable message on this screen explains that employee biometric information is stored securely, used only for time and attendance purposes, and will eventually be permanently deleted. Although the message appears in the locale language for the clock, employees can select their preferred language from the language buttons at the bottom of the screen. After reading the Biometric Acknowledgment message, employees select the Continue to Enrollment button to provide consent and complete the enrollment process.


  • This Biometric Acknowledgment screen is not available by default. To enable for your clocks, contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM).
  • If an employee selects a different language during the acknowledgment, that language will become the employee's default language for the Time Clock.
  • If biometrics or Biometric Acknowledgment is not enabled for a Time Clock, employees go directly to the Enter Your PIN screen. 

Updated versions: Time Clock version 201 and later.