Versions Compared


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All KBIs

Select to display all KBIs in the report.

Market Segment

Choose which market groups and market segment types to include in the report.

  • Market Group—Select one specific market group or all market groups and market segment types to be included in the report.
  • Market Segment Type—Select one specific market segment type or all market segment types to be included in the report.

Revenue Center

Allows you to choose Choose which revenue centers to include in the report.

  • Revenue Center—Select one specific revenue center or all revenue centers to be included in the report.


Produces a report that is grouped by the selection(s) you make in this category. You can select any or all of the following:

  • Input KBIs—Produces a report that displays all input KBIs.
  • Calculated KBIs—Produces a report that displays all calculated KBIs.
  • Statistical KBIs—Produces a report that displays all statistical KBIs.
Standard SetSelect the standard set to apply to report.

Period End Date

Allows you to designate the appropriate end date for the report.
