Add a employee request by doing the following:
- From Access the home screen, select the Time Off Request screen by doing one of the following:
- In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon ( ).
- From the drop down menu list under the Time and Attendance section, click Employee Requests.
The Employee Requests screen appears in a separate tab.
- Click On the home screen, click Daily Operations ().
- Click the Employee Request Icon (
The Employee Requests screen appears in a separate tab. ).
- From the Request Type drop down menulist, click Time Off Requests.
The Time Off Requests screen appears. - Click Add Request.
- Do one of the following to search for an employee:
Use the search toolbar to enter the name of an employee or search for an employee by their ID number.
- Click Next.
The Add Time Off Request dialog box appears.
- Double click an employee name.
The Add Time Off Request dialog box appears.
Fill in the fields.
will fill in the
The calendar at the bottom of the screen will present the selected dates chosen. Itfills the Hours field with an amount paid automatically until everyday has an amount.
On the calendar, click in the Hours field to enter the amount of paid time manually to select what days the employee gets paid.
The system automatically fills in the paid amount for each day until the paid amount is distributed within the dates selected..Info icon false Note: The Calendar will not allow you to input a cent amount, only dollar amounts. You can not exceed the amount of hours you input.
Optionally, in order to change the amount paid for a particular day do the following:
In the Hours field on any day, enter the amount of paid time manually.
If you want the employee to not get paid a certain day click Paid.
If the employee works multiple jobs during the time off request, complete the following steps:
Click the Add/Edit Multiple Request icon (
) to enter paid times for multiple jobs.
The Add TOR Distributions dialog box appears.Fields Descriptions Default Value Job From the drop down menu, select a job.
"Supervisor - Floor"The default values for this field depend on what the job of the employee. Earnings Type Type of time off. "Holiday (H)"The default values for this field depend on what kind of pay type the employee has. Amount Amount of paid time off. "0.00" Hours Amount of paid time off for a set amount of hours. Complete the fields as necessary.
- Click OK.
The Add TOR Distributions dialog box closes. The Add Time Off Request dialog box reappears.
- Click Finish.
The Add Time Off Request dialog box closes and a new request is added.