_WATSON-18463 FI
_WATSON-18463 FI
Summary | Administrative users the with the appropriate permission can enroll employees at Time Clocks, regardless of employees' scheduled shift length or any existing violations. |
Description | In the UniFocus Time Clock, administrative users with the permission to enroll employees should be able to enroll any employee, regardless of scheduled shift length or any existing violations. In some instances of previous releases, users were unable to enroll employees at Time Clocks if employees had scheduled shifts that were over the maximum daily hours work rule limit, as indicated on the scheduled shifts. Users would receive exception errors when attempting to enroll. |
Solution | The software has been updated so that administrative users the with the appropriate permission can enroll employees at Time Clocks, regardless of employees' scheduled shift length or any existing violations. |
Updated versions | Version 9.15 and later. |
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