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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ut magna libero. Integer placerat laoreet aliquam. Aenean dictum elementum justo, vel facilisis nulla tempor tempus. Pellentesque eu lacinia nisl. Morbi nunc leo, porttitor eget aliquet non, laoreet eu tortor. Aliquam accumsan dolor consequat nunc ornare, sed elementum quam porta. Phasellus quis egestas leo.

Curabitur et tellus diam. Etiam vitae commodo metus. Vivamus volutpat sem risus, quis accumsan augue bibendum in. Pellentesque lobortis eros magna, a mattis ipsum scelerisque feugiat. Mauris quis velit orci. Cras suscipit tortor et velit faucibus mollis. Nullam eu malesuada nulla. Nunc aliquam nulla eros, id accumsan mauris pharetra sed.

Morbi cursus eros diam, in posuere nibh laoreet vitae. Nunc hendrerit viverra sapien vitae egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In mollis est libero, accumsan dictum ante pretium id. Phasellus faucibus porta magna. Praesent condimentum vel ligula accumsan euismod. Aliquam sed rhoncus turpis. Proin tristique dolor sit amet facilisis accumsan. Cras vitae enim non ligula ullamcorper bibendum in eget dolor. Aenean massa diam, pulvinar sed pulvinar non, viverra at mauris. Donec vestibulum faucibus diam quis mollis. Quisque accumsan risus turpis, in condimentum arcu efficitur sed. Praesent malesuada metus et mauris egestas rhoncus. Nam vel justo molestie, fringilla leo at, vestibulum lectus. Fusce iaculis, ligula eu auctor suscipit, elit velit semper odio, eu posuere felis lectus eu ante.

Quisque pretium erat a velit placerat molestie. Morbi scelerisque, enim id aliquet ullamcorper, lacus erat iaculis ante, sed posuere enim sapien eu tortor. Nullam sollicitudin sapien sem, ac eleifend enim bibendum eu. Quisque a bibendum tellus. Integer varius elit quis eleifend vehicula. Maecenas quis nulla dapibus, accumsan eros eu, hendrerit velit. Praesent neque arcu, rhoncus posuere molestie non, imperdiet ac augue. Phasellus suscipit auctor placerat. Nulla euismod justo eget nulla sollicitudin cursus. Integer non nulla purus. Donec luctus sapien vitae nisl ultricies, eu mattis mi ullamcorper. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

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Improvement to the Trend-Adjusted Exponential Smoothing calculation  (17010)

In previous releases, if you applied Trend-Adjusted Exponential Smoothing (TAES) to a forecast for the upcoming week, the software analyzed the last reported 15 data points for Actual KBIs—that is, the prior 15 weeks of data—and calculated a trend factor that was applied to the upcoming week. When forecasting more than one week in the future, the software analyzed the data set (the prior 15 weeks of Actual KBI data) and assumed that both the data set and the trend factor for the first upcoming week would be identical for all future weeks in the desired forecast range.

In this release, the TAES modeling algorithm has been improved to analyze the prior 15 weeks of Actual KBI data, calculate a trend factor for the first week in the forecast range, and then extrapolate the calculation across the forecast range.  


The TAES-calculated trend factor of 20 is applied to an 8-week forecast range.

Before the improvement:

TAES weighted averageTAES trend factorWeeks in desired forecast range

With the improved calculation:

TAES weighted average
TAES trend factor
Weeks in desired forecast range

For more information on TAES and its application to statistical KBIs, see the following:

Updated versions: Version 9.15 and later.

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