Manage Badges screen

Manage Badges screen

The Manage Badges screen displays a list of all employees, their badge numbers, and their employee IDs. You access this screen from the Employee Actions menu (  ) on the Employee Maintenance screen.

Caution: If your company's employee badges are updated by interfaces, any changes you make using the Manage Badges screen will be overwritten the next time an interface file is imported.

Tasks performed from this screen:

Fields on the Manage Badges screen

This table describes the fields and controls for this screen.

Manage Badges table
Badge NumberUnique badge identification number for the employee. 
Employee IDUnique identification number associated with the employee. 
EmployeeName of the employee. 


Search for employees by name, badge number, or employee ID.


Add a badge number to an employee. 


Edit a badge number for an employee.This button is available only if you select a row in the table.


Delete the badge number for an employeeThis button is available only if you select a row in the table.

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