Changing multiple employee records

Changing multiple employee records

Use the Change Multiple Employees option to edit multiple employee records at the same time. For example, you might decide to group multiple employees into a schedule group, or you might decide to give multiple employees the same work class.


  • If you edit multiple employees, the data you enter will be applied to ALL the selected employees and any data previously entered in those fields will be overwritten.
  • If your employee records are updated by interfaces, any changes you make using the Change Multiple Employees wizard will be overwritten the next time an interface file is imported.

To change multiple employee records:

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Admin section, select Employee Maintenance.
    The Employee Maintenance screen appears in a separate tab.
    For more information, see The Employee Maintenance screen.
  3. Click Employee Actions (  ).
  4. From the drop-down list, select Change Multiple Employees.
    The Change Multiple Employees wizard opens to the Step One screen.
  5. In the Employees section, select employees by doing the following:
    • Click to select employees. To select more than one employee, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking each employee, or to select multiple employees that are next to each other in the list, hold down the Shift key while clicking the first and last employee in the group.
    • Click Select All to select all employees in the list.
  6. In the Items to Change section, select one or more items to apply.
  7. Click Next.
    The following screens and options that you encounter in this wizard depend on what you selected in the Items to Change section of the Step One screen. All of the information in the wizard corresponds to tabs and fields in the Employee Maintenance screen. For more information, see The Employee Maintenance screen and the relevant help topics.
  8. Follow the remaining steps of the wizard.

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