Viewing expired job effective dates

Viewing expired job effective dates

Do the following to view expired job effective dates for an employee:

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Admin section, select Employee Maintenance.
    The Employee Maintenance screen appears in a separate tab.
    For more information, see The Employee Maintenance screen.
  3. In the employee pane, click the row of the employee you want to edit.

    For information about filtering the employee list, see Filtering employees in Employee Maintenance.
    The General tab updates with information for the selected employee.
  4. Click the Jobs tab. 
    For descriptions of the fields and controls on this tab, see Jobs tab - Employee Maintenance
  5. Below the Job Effective Dates section, click Filter ).
  6. Click Show Expired.

    Note: If the job effective dates are already filtered to show expired dates, a check mark appears in front of the Show Expired option.

    The Job Effective Dates section updates to display expired job effective dates.