Edit KBI dialog box

Use this dialog box to edit details about the KBI.


Name of the KBI.

The name should be short and descriptive.

CodeCode associated with the KBI.Format is # followed by 4 numerals.
Master CodeCorporate user can assign one code for multiple KBIs that are common to the company but labeled differently at the property level. 
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Determine which module(s) you want the KBI to appear in, and be configured for.

  • All—Indicates that the KBI appears in, and is configured for, the Labor Only, Budgeting Only, or All KBI lists.
  • Budgeting Only—Indicates that the KBI only appears in Budgeting-related KBI lists and used in processing Budgeting data. If you select Labor Only or Budgeting Only, only those KBIs designated as such appear in any KBI lists in that module. For example, when you run the Department Managers Weekly Planning Report, KBIs designated as Labor Only or Labor and Budgeting will appear in the list of Additional KBIs that can be included in the report. Likewise, when running KBI Reports in Budgeting, only those KBIs designated as Budgeting Only or Labor and Budgeting will appear in the Other KBIs list.
  • Labor Only—Indicates that the KBI will only appear in Labor related KBI lists and used in processing Labor data.
UnitsDefines the unit of measure. The items available in the Units drop-down list are the ones you specified (or specify) when configuring Units. 
OKSaves your changes and closes the dialog box. 
CancelCancels your changes and closes the dialog box.Â