Property General

Property General

The General tab allows you to enter general information about your property. Make sure that the preferences you specify are accurate because they will be used extensively by 


when processing data, generating reports, schedules, etc. Depending on which modules you own, you may not see all of the fields listed below.

Terms and Definitions


Assigns an alternative short name for the property and is used when importing/exporting data.

Alt. Code

Assigns a second alternative short name for the property and is used when importing/exporting data.


Allows you to track information by brand. For example, if you manage both Holiday Inn and Choice hotels, you can track information for the different brands using this function.


Allows you to track information by portfolio.


Allows you to track information by brand or region. For example, if you have hotels in the Rocky Mountain region and in the Pacific Northwest, you can track information for these regions separately.

Number of Rooms

Reflects the total number of rooms available for guest use. Include rooms that are currently out of service but do not include house-use rooms. The range of valid values is 0- 20,000 rooms.

Financial Year Type

Indicates the type of financial year that your property or organization uses.

  • Annual. Represents a a fiscal year consisting of four, three month quarters.
  • 13 Periods. Represents a fiscal year consisting of 13 periods, each with 28 days.
  • 4-5-4/Quarter. Represents a fiscal year consisting of four quarters consisting of four week, four week, and five week periods (13 weeks total).

FTE Factor

Denotes the number of hours an employee must work in one week to be considered a full-time employee. Note that FTE stands for Full Time Equivalents.

Pay Period Type

Indicates how often your employees get paid: weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly or monthly.

Current Pay Period End

Allows you to determine the ending date for the current pay period. It also allows you to lock/unlock the pay period by clicking on the lock icon, if you know the correct password.

Default Shift CategoryAllows you to select the shift type to which the program defaults. Choices shown are those that were created in System Setup > Shift Categories.

Default Employee Rate Mode

Allows you to determine the default rate for secondary jobs.

    • Labor structure. Uses the first configured default rate found when going up the tree.
    • Home Job. Matches the pay record to the Home job rate.
    • Minimum Wage. Sets the rate at the configured Minimum Wage.
    • Zero. Causes the Rate to default to zero.


Allows you to designate which State rules should be applied.

Time ZoneAllows you to set the Time Zone in which the property resides.
LocaleAllows you to set the Locale which denotes what currency the property uses.

Show on Reports



that you want to have the Property information appear on reports.

Many of the fields that you configure in the Property General tab also appear in other configuration screens. If you enter a different value for any of these common fields, note that there is a hierarchy that determines which entry takes precedence. The hierarchy for the common fields is as follows:
1. Property - overridden by division, department, or job configuration
2. Division - overridden by department or job configuration
3. Department - overridden by job configuration
4. Job configuration - highest priority

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