Default Rates

Default Rates

About the Default Rates Section

Terms and Definitions


Effective Date

Defines the date after which the rate goes into effect.

Hourly Rate

Defines the default hourly rate.

Minimum WageDenotes the allowable minimum wage.
Tip RateAllows you to denote the minimum amount of tips an employee should be reporting. If an employee's reported tips are less than the amount entered here, a prompt, such as "The tip amount you reported is below the average. Do you have more tips to report?" is displayed when the employee punches out. 


Configuring the Default Rates Section

To configure default rates:

  1. Double-click in the Default Rates cell.
  2. Click the Add button in the pop-up window.
  3. Enter an Effective Date, Hourly rate, Minimum Wage and Tip Rate.
  4. Click OK.