Entering Actual Revenue-Expenses

Entering Actual Revenue-Expenses

To create a flex budget, you must enter actual revenue and expense data, as well as KBI values. These actuals can be imported or entered manually.

By entering actual revenue and expense data, in addition to KBI actuals, you can look at the actual performance of a revenue center for reporting and comparison. For example, if you staffed for 100 units but only had 80 units occupied, you will be able to see this and know where improvement or changes are needed.

Fields on the Manage Actual Values page



Saves changes to the screen.


Refreshes the screen.


Select the year for which you want to enter or view data.

Related Tasks

Contains the Import Actual Data menu item.

  • Import Actual Data—Imports actuals data into Budgeting from external sources.

Budget Line

Mimics your current operational chart of accounts. For more information on the types of budget lines see About Budget Lines.

You cannot edit data in total or calculated budget lines.


Enter/read comments about the budget line. If there is a green plus sign, you can add a note. If there is a yellow paperclip, there is a note to read.