
version 9.08.01 includes the following improvements and new features:

  • A new Revenue Center Forecasting screen for both desktop and mobile.
  • An enhancement to the method by which forecast environments are applied.
  • User interface improvements to the Employee Maintenance screen.
  • Improvements to Budgeting functionality.
  • Improved performance and security for reports.
  • Flexibility to have different flow plans based on special occurrences that affect guest demand for service. 
  • A new Punch Rounding work rule.
  • A new statistical calculation method used in forecasting business volumes.
  • Ability to add day count labels to schedules in the Scheduling screen.
  • Enhancements to the Manage Event Orders screen.
  • Improvements to the Mobile App Time Card.
  • A new confirmation message in the Time Clock.


New button icons on the Employee Maintenance screen  (14076)

On the employee pane of the Employee Maintenance screen (Main Menu > Admin > Employee Maintenance), there are new button icons for the Add New Employee and Mobile Invite functionality.

In previous releases, the Add New Employee button was a green plus icon and the Mobile Invite button was a text-only button with the label "Mobile Invite."

In this release, the Add New Employee button is an icon of a person with a superimposed green plus sign, and the Mobile Invite button is an icon of a mobile device with a superimposed green plus icon.

Note: No functionality was affected in this improvement. Only button graphics were changed.

Setting user permissions to edit forecast data  (14171)

In previous releases, the Actions tab of the Security screen (Main Menu > Admin > Security) had only one permission to both view and edit forecast data on the Revenue Center Forecasting screen. In this release, there are two separate permissions: one to edit forecast data and another to view forecast data.

Note: In the mobile view of the Revenue Center Forecasting screen, the Save Edit buttons are not available to users who do not have permission to edit forecast data.

For more information on the new Revenue Center Forecasting screen, see the release notes on Revenue Center Forecasting screens in desktop and mobile.


Confirmation message when recalculating budget datasets  (13274)

In this release, users with the appropriate property settings now see a confirmation message when they recalculate budget datasets. On the Budgeting screen (Main Menu > Financial > Budgeting), when users click the Start/Update button for the Calculate Working Dataset task, the resulting dialog box now includes a message confirming the specific budget that will be recalculated. This improvement addresses concerns over accidentally calculating the wrong budget.

Note: The confirmation dialog box is not a default setting in WPS and must be enabled by UniFocus. To enable this functionality, users must contact their UniFocus Configuration specialist.

Locks on budget lines  (13226)

Opening the main Budgeting screen (Main Menu > Financial > Budgeting) no longer places a partial lock on the budget structure.

Calculate for EPEP check box has been removed from budget lines  (13350)

In this release, the Calculate for EPEP check box has been removed from the Edit/View Line dialog box, which appears when users edit a budget line (Main Menu > Financial > Budgeting).

Performance improvements in Budgeting  (14544, 14546)

This release includes performance improvements to the Budgeting module, which now features faster screen load times. For more information, contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager.

Budgeting, Reports  

Security improvement to the Budget Labor Summary By Day report  (14296)

The Budget Labor Summary By Day report (Reports > Budgeting > Comparative > Budget Labor Summary By Day) has been modified to improve labor structure security settings. 

Improved labels and text on the Profitability report  (14550) 

The Profitability report features the following text and label changes that improve the clarity of the report and better describe the data that is being reported: 

Budgeting, Revenue

Self-clearing locks upon new session start  (12567)

In previous releases, if a user logged in to the Budgeting or Revenue modules, all components of those modules were locked to other users. If the session was disconnected, the user was locked out of the module and required UniFocus Support to unlock the session.

In this release, if a user is logged in to the Budgeting or Revenue modules, only the component with which that user is working is locked. Other users can log in and work with other components. If the session is disconnected and the user logs back in, he or she is prompted to clear the lock. This improvement eliminates the need to contact UniFocus Support to unlock the session. 

Environments, Planner Engine

KBIs flow plans associated with environments  (13058)

In this release, if a KBI is configured as being subject to environments, users can now specify which flow plan should be applied to that KBI when an environment is applied to that KBI on a day. This improvement provides the flexibility to have different flow plans based on special occurrences that affect guest demand for service. 

For example, a hotel restaurant might have a KBI called Dinner Covers that represents the number of customers that have dinner in the restaurant each day. There is a default flow plan for Dinner Covers that represents the usual flow of customers during dinner each day. However, when there is a NFL Football game near the hotel, the flow of dinner customers is different. Using this new feature, this KBI can be configured to use a different flow plan when the NFL Football Game environment is applied to the KBI. In this way, the system can accurately account for changes in guest demand when the business is operating under non-normal circumstances.

Forecast environments automatically applied to actual environments  (13589)

In previous releases, environments affecting business volumes had to be applied to KBIs as part of the forecasting process and then later again applied as part of the process. In this release, forecast environments are automatically applied as actual environments. This improvement eliminates the dual entry of environments, reducing work and saving time for users responsible for applying environments. If necessary, users can edit or remove a forecast environment that was automatically applied as an actual environment.


Calculate Forecast Accuracy in Task Scheduler  (14278)

The Task Scheduler screen (Main Menu > Admin > Task Scheduler) now includes a radio button for the task Calculate Forecast Accuracy, which calculates system and manager forecast accuracy statistics. These statistics are now available in the Revenue Center Forecasting screen.

Note: This new task should be scheduled to run at least once a day for every LMS installation.

Manage Event Orders

Related events marked as "dirty"  (10537)

On the Manage Event Orders screen (Main Menu > Labor > Planning > Manage Event Orders), if an event changes to a status of "dirty" (that is, work content must be generated or regenerated for the event), all related events are automatically marked dirty as well. 

Options for refreshing event information  (10545)

New options in the Manage Event Orders screen enable users to refresh the list of tasks and resources based on manual changes that have been made to the event orders. Changes include the following:

Option to bring all employees in at the earliest start time when tasks are linked  (12695)

Banquet operations using event related standards and linked tasks now have the option of bringing all service staff for an event in at the same start time.

For example, a banquet event might have two linked tasks:

In previous releases, with these linked tasks, the system would create:

In this release, banquet managers can continue to use the methodology above, or they can bring all the service employees for the linked tasks in at the earliest start. The resulting shifts would be 5 Wait on Medium Reception and Plated Dinner shifts from 4:30 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. and 5 Wait on Plated Dinner shifts also from 4:30 P.M to 11:00 P.M.

If you want to use this new feature, contact UniFocus Partner Support as it cannot be configured in the System Setup screens.

Labor, Forecasting, Mobile

Trend-Adjusted Exponential Smoothing  (14140)

This release offers an improvement to the statistical calculation methods used in forecasting business volumes. 

In previous releases, the Past Average method was used to calculate business volumes. This method involved a simple moving average by which the user determined the number of past time periods to include. The system then gave equal weight to each period. With this method, if there was a recent change in business volume, weighing each time period equally will not account for the changes and might result in an inaccurate forecast.

In this release, the Past Average method has been replaced with Trend-Adjusted Exponential Smoothing (TAES). Trend-adjusted exponential smoothing is a forecasting technique that uses information regarding 1) average business volumes in the past, and 2) trends observed in volumes in the past (up-swing or down-turn) to develop a forecast of future demand. This new method improves upon the original method and works as follows:

Trend-Adjusted Exponential Smoothing in Forecast Structure  (14331)

For statistical KBIs in the Forecast Structure screen, the Labor Statistical tab on the Edit KBI dialog box now features a Trend Adjusted Exponential Smoothing radio button. The Past Average radio button and the #Data Point drop-down menu have been removed.

Revenue Center Forecasting screens in desktop and mobile  (14139, 14376) 

This release features a redesigned Revenue Center Forecasting screen, which is accessed by clicking the Edit Revenue Center Forecast task button on the Planning screen. The Revenue Center Forecasting screen displays forecast data for an organization's revenue centers. On the Revenue Center Forecasting screen, users can do the following:

A highlight of this updated screen is that it offers a quick way to apply, change, or remove forecast environments if users did not already do so in the Enter Forecast Environments screen. In previous versions, if users were viewing the Revenue Center Forecast screen and realized that they forgot to add a forecast environment to a KBI, they had to go back to the Enter Forecast Environments screen and apply the forecast environment. With this release, users can apply or change a forecast environment directly on the Revenue Center Forecasting screen, and the system forecast will be updated automatically. 

Note: As a best practice when planning labor, users should still strive to apply the necessary forecast environments on the Enter Forecast Environments screen before generating revenue center forecasts for a planning period.

This release also features a mobile version of the new Revenue Center Forecasting screen. 

In the desktop view, the screen shows the first seven days of the selected planning period for the property. If there are more than seven days in the planning period, users can click an arrow to see the next seven-day increment. In the mobile view, the screen shows data for one day at a time. Users can scroll horizontally to view data for different days. 

The Revenue Center Forecasting screen features the following:

Planning periods and revenue centers

Users can view any revenue centers to which they are granted access. By default, both the mobile and desktop views open to the most recent planning period available. In the desktop view, users can select the planning period and revenue center on the same screen. In the mobile view, users must first select a revenue center and then select a planning period.

Weather forecasts

The weather forecast is displayed for the location of the selected property. With this information, forecasting managers can quickly see the weather on a given day so that they can make an educated guess as to the impact that the weather might have on business volumes. The weather forecast data includes the temperature (high and low) and an icon that indicates weather conditions.

Note: Weather forecasts are currently only available for locations in the United States.

Forecast environments

Forecast environments are atypical circumstances that affect business volume and demand for labor. For example, an NFL football game that occurs near a restaurant would typically cause a spike in demand. Users apply forecast environments when they know that a unique event will impact the need for labor. If a forecast environment is applied to the KBI for the selected revenue center, the name of the forecast environment appears for the date it is scheduled. Users click the Change button to switch to a different forecast environment. If a forecast environment is not applied, an Add button is available to apply a forecast environment.

Forecast information

Note: Users can click/tap the legend button (  ) for more information on the variance icons.

KBI statistics

The Revenue Center Forecasting screen also displays additional statistics that are helpful in finalizing forecasts of business volumes.

Labor, Scheduling, Work Rules

Adding counts to labels on the Scheduling screen (14087, 13986, 13987, 13988)

New functionality enables users to add day counts to labels on the Scheduling screen. With the Schedule Label Addendum work rules, users can apply a count to labels based on the number of days used or the remaining balance of the configured accruals for certain types of time-off requests. 

For certain types of time-off requests, users can configure Schedule Label Addendum work rules that apply a count to schedule labels based on either:

These counts also appear in the Sch Notes (schedule notes) column of employees' time cards. Based on the examples above, if the Sch Label column is visible in employees' time cards, text such as "V 2" and "S 2 appears.

Work Rules

New work rules in the Schedule Label rule type  (14091, 14088)

The Schedule Label rule type contains the following new work rules:

Back From Break With Grace work rule  (12907)

The Punch Rounding work rule type (System Setup > Work Rules > Punch Rounding) now includes a new Back From Break With Grace work rule. With this work rule, users can configure grace periods on back from break punches so that back punches will be rounded to the break threshold length if they fall within the grace period. This rule is helpful in locations where there are long lines at the Time Clocks. If the work rule is applied, employees only get charged for the break time taken and not the time they spent waiting in line at the Time Clock.

Note: Rounding occurs only if the back punch has a matching break.

Adding an offset start date when configuring benefit accruals  (13984)

When configuring benefit accruals, users can now configure a start date that is X number of months or days after employees' anniversary date. In the Benefit Accrual rule type (Work Rules > Benefit Accruals), the Anniversary Year work rule includes two new parameters, Offset Amount and Offset By Days, so that users can specify the days or months by which to offset the accrual.


Weekly Schedule Report Schedule Label Addendums  (14085)

The Weekly Schedule Report now displays label text that also appears on the Scheduling screen.

Mobile 2.0

Improvement to the Earnings section of the Mobile App Time Card screen  (14265)

The Earnings section of the Mobile App Time Card screen now displays earnings that employees can enter at a Time Clock. With this streamlined functionality, employees can now use the Earning section to track their tips.


Improved tracking of shifts spanning workweeks in reports  (13725, 13726)

In previous releases, when the Regular Hours Distribution work rule was applied, shifts that started at the end of a workweek and went into the next workweek were counted as two different shifts in the Shift Details and Earning Details reports (Reports > Time & Attendance > Earnings). The worked, adjusted, paid, and break hours were shown on the first segment of a spanned shift and shown as "0.00" on the second. 

In this release, when the Regular Hours Distribution work rule is applied, the Shift Details and Earning Details reports now count a shift that spans two workweeks as a single shift but displays the shift in two sections. For example, a workweek might run from midnight, Monday morning to midnight, Sunday night. If a shift goes from 11 PM to 7 AM, then one hour (11 PM to 12 AM) is accounted for in the previous workweek. The rest of the hours (12:01 AM to 7 AM) are accounted for in the next workweek. A single dash (–) appears before the second section of a spanned shift to indicate that the shift is counted as one shift even though it appears in two sections. Regular, overtime (OT), double time (DT), hours, rates, and costs appear for the day on which they occurred during a planned shift. 

Note: A disclaimer message appears if there are hours distributed between workweeks.

Time & Attendance

Export/Print Option in the Attendance Violations and Events Screen  (11534)

The Attendance Points and Events screen (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Attendance Points and Events) now features options to print or export information on the screen.

Punch source now displayed for both open and closed pay periods in employee time cards  (14442)

In previous releases, when editing shifts in employee time cards (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Review Pay Period), the Edit Shift dialog box displayed the source of individual punches only in open pay periods. Once the period was closed, the punch source was no longer visible. In this release, when editing shifts for past periods in employees’ time cards, the Edit Shift dialog box now displays the source of individual punches for both open and past (closed) periods.

Time Clock

New message for unscheduled shifts  (14025)

When an employee punches in for an unscheduled shift, the Time Clock displays the following message:

You are not scheduled.

This punch may require manager authorization.

To accept push YES.