Version 9.18 includes the following improvements and new features:
This release also includes fixed issues. For more information, see Fixed issues in version 9.18.
Updates and hotfixes
See Updates and hotfixes for 9.x releases.
Build 9.18.119 (Coming soon)
- Partners using the generic Reconcile Employees interface now receive notification emails that list all reconcile errors (19853).
- The Break Period Penalty work rule now includes a Pay FLSA Regular Rate option for automatically factoring in all additional earnings that are included in the FLSA regular rate (21032).
- In the Mobile App, the Paid Hours row of the Time Off Requests details screen now displays the number of hours requested by the employee (18857).
- In the UniFocus Mobile App, the Approve Time Off Requests screen now displays the correct number of days for multiple-day requests (20431).
- Improved and customized warning messages in the Punch Validation work rule (20670).
- The Employee Master report correctly abides by Security permission settings that determine whether users can view pay rates (20437).
- The Timeline Scheduling screen now correctly displays the business event order (BEO) detail note (20671).
- Users no longer receive error messages when editing or assigning a valid shift in the Schedule section of the Timeline Scheduling screen (20672).
- When performing the Generate Projected Hours task on the Labor Planning screen, hours are now being successfully generated for 02/29 of a leap year (20353).
- Users can now import an Import Hours and Rates Adjustment CSV file that does not have information in the Notes column (19852).
- Task Scheduler now correctly adheres to permissions that users configured in the Security screen (19921).
- Scheduled costs now appear in Labor-only licenses (19789).
Build 9.18.86
- Emails containing employee schedules are now correctly formatted (20239).
- Improved and customized warning messages in the Punch Validation work rule (20347).