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Add this topic/dialog box description to the page for Copying a Dataset-Budget. that users don't have to reconfigure everything again. There could be many lines in the budget - each with configured ... set up to do a specific function. 

Creates a new instance of budget lines in the new year – an exact copy. It will contain everything from the From.

creates an exact copy from the From dataset


This table describes the fields and controls for the Copy Dataset dialog box.

To DatasetYear

Year to which the data (that is, the new set of budget lines) will be copied. This is the financial year that you will work with.



Type of budget dataset that will be copied.

These are the datasets found in the User Defined Datasets and System Defined Datasets screens.
From Dataset
First PeriodThe first period of the accounting year from which you will copy data. This period is the first in the range of the selected dataset.

Default setting is Per 1 (Period 1), which is the first period of the accounting year.

Last PeriodThe last period of the accounting year from which you will copy data. This period is the
last in the range of the selected dataset.Default setting is Per 12 (Period 12), which is typically the last period of the accounting year.
YearYear from which you copy
the periods in the dataset. 

Budget dataset from which to copy into the dataset (in the To Dataset section).

You must first select a Year before you can edit this field.
To Dataset

Year to which the data (that is, the new set of budget lines) will be copied. This is the accounting year that you will work with.

TypeType of budget dataset that will be copied. The dataset contains a set of budget lines for which dollar values are calculated.These are the datasets found in the User Defined Datasets and System Defined Datasets screens.
Buttons and check boxes
Add Dataset

Adds a new row in the From Dataset table. Use this option to add additional datasets

...Are you adding more datasets

from which you

're copying to the new dataset? Need more info

are copying data.

You can add up to 12 datasets.

Is this true? I was able to add several rows to the table.

Delete DatasetDeletes the selected dataset in the From Dataset table
.You must first select a row before you click the Delete Dataset button.
Exclude KBIs

Excludes KBIs from the datasets that are being copied.

Makes KBI screen (start) blank. Don't bring kbis over. Some one will input forecast info

If you select this check box, the KBI Projections screen for your dataset will not contain data. Selecting this option assumes that someone will input forecast information at a later time.

Choosing to exclude KBI’s means that you will have to recalculate your budget even if you do not update KBI values.
Exclude Hours



hours from the datasets that are being copied

.not bringin in hours


Exclude Rate Adjust


rate adjustments

overtime hours, adjusted hours, and adjusted rates from the datasets that are being copied.

Does not bring in ot

If you select this check box, the Adjust Hours and Rate screen for your dataset will not contain data for overtime hours, adjusted hours, or adjusted

rate from the adjust hours and rate screen from the From datasets. someone will do recalc budget to hours and rate adjustments OKApplies your selections and closes the dialog box.


Selecting this check box is recommended as most adjustments should not carry over from dataset to dataset.

Include Page
_OKbutton - genericFD
_OKbutton - genericFD

Closes the dialog box without applying your selections.

Include Page
_Cancel button - genericFD
_Cancel button - genericFD