Versions Compared


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  • Availability—Standard report with all installations
  • Security—Sensitive. Lists pay rates and pay types
  • Options—User selects date range and determines which Employee Classes and/or Work Classes to view. Can be grouped by Division or Employee, and filtered by Division, Department, Job or Empoloyee.
  • Usage—Prints Job Class, indicates whether it is the employee's Home job, lists Pay Type (or Contract Type if appropriate), Rate of Pay, Regular Hours and Overtime Hours worked, as well as Total Hours
  • Data Source—System generated from time cards, Edit Shift / Poll Clock

Report Options

From Date
/ To Date—Denote the beginning
Start date of the time frame for which the report will run.
To DateEnd date of the
report through the ending date
time frame for which the report will run.
Employee Class
—Denote which Employee Class(es) you wish to be

Which Employee Classes (which are based on criteria determined when creating Employee Sets) are included in the report.

You can choose one class or All of the classes.

Work Class
—Denote which Work Class(es) you wish to be

Which types of work (as configured in System Setup) are included in the report.

Group By—Groups report information

You can choose one class or All of the classes.

Group byOrganize data by Division or
by Employee.Pay Type—Denote which Pay Types you wish to be included
Page BreaksHow to display page breaks in the report.
Select / Earning CategoriesTable to select which earning categories appear in the report.
Select AllSelects all check boxes for earning categories.
De-Select AllClears all check boxes for earning categories.
Filter Selection By
—Allows you to select which divisions, departments, jobs or employees you wish to be displayed on

Which division(s), department(s), job(s), and employees are displayed in the report.

The option you choose determines the level of detail shown. Selecting Division will only display a list of configured divisions; selecting Department will display all divisions and departments, etc.

Jobs / SelectSelect the specific Jobs to be displayed in the report.

Running the Report

To run the report:
