Versions Compared


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  • Provides a summary of the performance of a department for the previous day that highlights areas requiring attention and problem solving.
  • Displays the following information:
    • Hourly positions within the department with corresponding payroll and job codes
    • Projected hours required to provide service to the forecasted volumes  
    • Standard, paid (including overtime and bonus hours), and training hours
    • Variance between projected and standard hours, scheduled and projected hours, worked and scheduled hours, worked and standard hours, and paid and standard hours
  • Allows you to note an employee's status (absentees, lateness, called in, and called off).

Report Options



Allows you to determine Determine whether the information is filtered by Division/Department or by Operating Code.

  • Division/Department—Allows you to display —Display employees by Division(s) and Department(s).
  • Operating Code—Allows you to generate —Generate a report that displays multiple operating codes. For example, chefs from three different departments can be included in the report as compared to having to look at three different department reports.

Report Date

Determines, by date, what data is used when generating the report.


Report Terms & Definitions

Volume Section




Displays the manager's forecasted forecast business volume.


Displays the actual business volume.


Represents the variance between forecasted forecast and actual business volume.  A negative number indicates the forecast was less than the actual. A positive number indicates the forecast was greater than the actual.


Displays the variance as a percentage. The variance is the difference between projected volume and actual business volume.

Hours Section



Proj Hours

(Projected hours): Displays the projected hours based on edited volume forecasts.

Sched Hours

(Scheduled hours): Displays the hours scheduled after managers have edited the schedules and the administrator has closed the schedule to further edits.

Stand Hours

(Standard hours): Displays the hours that should have been used, based on the established standards for the job and the actual volumes. This number, when compared to the worked hours, gives a true measurement of how the manager reacted to either increases or decreases in the forecasted forecast business volumes from a staffing perspective.

Reg Hours

(Regular hours): Displays the hours that the Time and Attendance System has recorded as having been worked.

Overtime at X.X

(Actual overtime hours): Displays the hours worked at the designated rate for each of the positions. Note:  If you do not have 3 levels of overtime configured, some columns will contain 0's.

Total Work

(Total worked): Displays the total regular hours and overtime hours.

Total Paid

Displays the number of hours paid for the position using actual hours worked and overtime hours, which are adjusted to reflect true cost. (For example, 8 hours plus one hour of overtime at 1.5 times the hourly rate = 9 actual hours worked and 9.5 paid hours).

Train Hours

(Training hours): Displays the hours designated as training. Training hours are part of paid hours.


Displays the variance between projected hours  and the standard hours. This variance demonstrates the difference between hours projected and those required to meet actual guest requirements for the position. A positive number means the projected hours were higher than the standard hours, suggesting that the projected volumes were higher than the actual volumes.


Displays the variance between scheduled hours and the forecasted forecast hours for the position. A positive number means scheduled hours were greater than the forecasted forecast hours.


Displays the variance between hours worked versus hours scheduled.  A positive number means more hours were worked than those originally scheduled.


Displays the variance between hours worked versus standard hours.  A positive number means worked hours exceeded standard hours.


Displays the variance between hours paid versus standard hours. A positive number means paid hours exceeded standard hours.
