- Provides a summary of the performance of a department for the previous day that highlights areas requiring attention and problem solving.
- Displays the following information:
- Hourly positions within the department with corresponding payroll and job codes
- Projected hours required to provide service to the forecasted volumes
- Standard, paid (including overtime and bonus hours), and training hours
- Variance between projected and standard hours, scheduled and projected hours, worked and scheduled hours, worked and standard hours, and paid and standard hours
- Allows you to note an employee's status (absentees, lateness, called in, and called off).
Report Options
Option | Description |
Mode | Allows you to determine Determine whether the information is filtered by Division/Department or by Operating Code.
Report Date | Determines, by date, what data is used when generating the report. |
Report Terms & Definitions
Volume Section
Term | Definition |
Forecast | Displays the manager's forecasted forecast business volume. |
Actual | Displays the actual business volume. |
Variance | Represents the variance between forecasted forecast and actual business volume. A negative number indicates the forecast was less than the actual. A positive number indicates the forecast was greater than the actual. |
Percent | Displays the variance as a percentage. The variance is the difference between projected volume and actual business volume. |
Hours Section
Term | Definition |
Proj Hours | (Projected hours): Displays the projected hours based on edited volume forecasts. |
Sched Hours | (Scheduled hours): Displays the hours scheduled after managers have edited the schedules and the administrator has closed the schedule to further edits. |
Stand Hours | (Standard hours): Displays the hours that should have been used, based on the established standards for the job and the actual volumes. This number, when compared to the worked hours, gives a true measurement of how the manager reacted to either increases or decreases in the forecasted forecast business volumes from a staffing perspective. |
Reg Hours | (Regular hours): Displays the hours that the Time and Attendance System has recorded as having been worked. |
Overtime at X.X | (Actual overtime hours): Displays the hours worked at the designated rate for each of the positions. Note: If you do not have 3 levels of overtime configured, some columns will contain 0's. |
Total Work | (Total worked): Displays the total regular hours and overtime hours. |
Total Paid | Displays the number of hours paid for the position using actual hours worked and overtime hours, which are adjusted to reflect true cost. (For example, 8 hours plus one hour of overtime at 1.5 times the hourly rate = 9 actual hours worked and 9.5 paid hours). |
Train Hours | (Training hours): Displays the hours designated as training. Training hours are part of paid hours. |
Fcst-Stand | Displays the variance between projected hours and the standard hours. This variance demonstrates the difference between hours projected and those required to meet actual guest requirements for the position. A positive number means the projected hours were higher than the standard hours, suggesting that the projected volumes were higher than the actual volumes. |
Sched-Fcst | Displays the variance between scheduled hours and the forecasted forecast hours for the position. A positive number means scheduled hours were greater than the forecasted forecast hours. |
Work-Sched | Displays the variance between hours worked versus hours scheduled. A positive number means more hours were worked than those originally scheduled. |
Work-Stand | Displays the variance between hours worked versus standard hours. A positive number means worked hours exceeded standard hours. |
Paid-Stand | Displays the variance between hours paid versus standard hours. A positive number means paid hours exceeded standard hours. |