Versions Compared


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This report shows totals by job per week, and indicates what should have been staffed versus was was actually staffed, as well as what was forecasted forecast and scheduled. (Forecast hours come from the original forecast hours that LMS generated based on the forecasted forecast volumes for the week.) KBIs associated with that job are also displayed to give you a point of reference.


  1. Choose Labor from the Reports menu.
  2. Click Analysis  and select Weekly Labor Summary. The Options dialog box appears.
  3. Select a Mode.
    • If Division/Department is selected, choose the appropriate Division,  Department and Summarize By options.
    • If Operating Code is selected, choose the approriate appropriate operation.
  4. Enter the Start Date/End Date by entering a date, clicking on the calendar icon and selecting a date, or using the date forward and date backward arrows.
  5. Select or de-select Scheduled Hours.
  6. Select either Daily Hours, Weekly Hours or Weekly FTEs.
  7. Click the Run icon. The report is displayed.



Department/Division Totals

Summarizes data for the whole division/department.

KBIsApplied KBIsActual and forecast KBI for each department.Appears only if Show Standards Based KBIs is selected in the configuration screen.
Standard sets

Standard set used for each day of the week:

  • Projected Std Set—Standard set used to project hours.
  • Standard Std Set—Standard set used to generate standard hours.
Only applicable if dynamically applied standard sets are configured.


Displays the manager's Hours that should be scheduled based on the forecast business volume.


Displays the hours Hours from your schedule.


Displays the hours Hours that come from your  your property's Time and Attendance system or employee time records.


Displays the hours that are Hours that should have been used based on the actual volumes relative to the standards that were set up.

Variance %

Displays the difference Difference between standard hours and actual hours.
