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tkDataset recalculation is necessary whenever configuration changes are made to the following:      

  • Labor Standards      
  • KBI Configurations      
  • Forecasted Volumes

To calculate the working dataset:

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon ( Image Modified ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Financial section, select Budgeting.
    The Budgeting screen appears in a separate tab.
  3. In the Adjust Hours and Rates row, click Update.
    The Adjust Hours and Rates screen appears.
  4. Click Related Tasks and select Calculate Working Dataset from the drop-down list.
    The Calculate Working Dataset dialog box appears.
  5. Complete the fields as necessary.
    Fields on the Working Dataset dialog box

    DivisionDivision associated with the working dataset. 
    DepartmentDepartment associated with the working dataset.This field is available only if you select a division.
    Job ClassJob class associated with the working dataset.This field is available only if you select a department.
    Standard SetStandard set associated with the working dataset. 
    Re-Calculate All PeriodsSelect if you want to recalculate all periods in the year. If you do not select this check box, you must provide a recalculation time frame using the Start Period and End Period drop-down menus. 
    Start PeriodFirst period in the recalculation time frame.This field is available only if the Re-Calculate All Periods check box is cleared.
    End PeriodLast period in the recalculation time frameThis field is available only if the Re-Calculate All Periods check box is cleared.
    OKApplies your changes and closes the dialog box. 
    CancelCloses the dialog box without applying your changes. 

  6. Click OK.
    The dialog box closes and the working dataset is calculated. The Running Re-calculate Budget window appears and displays the re-calculation progress,
  7. When re-calculation is complete, click Close.
    The Running Re-calculate Budget window closes.