The UniFocus Mobile App 2.0 features:
For technical requirements, see Technical Requirements for Mobile App 2.0.
For user manuals and video tutorials, see the Video Tutorials: Mobile 2.0 page of the UniFocus website.
Mobile App 2.0 user interface and functionality
Key improvements address:
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Note: These notes describe the new features in the UniFocus Mobile App version 2.0. For a complete overview of all screens, see Mobile 2.0 Quick Reference Guide. |
Main menuThe redesign of the main menu includes the following features and improvements:
- The home screen now contains a hamburger menu (
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| Docs9x:Mobile hamburger menu icon 16px |
), from which users can navigate to different screens. - In previous releases, after signing in to the UniFocus Mobile App, users had to specify whether they were employees or managers. In this release, when users sign in, they automatically see the relevant manager or employee screens.
- Certain items display badges that indicate specific information. For example, badges on the Call Ins menu option indicate if users have call-ins with pending responses.
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Note: The options that are visible on the home screen depend on users' property configuration. |
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| time-off-requests |
| time-off-requests |
Time off requestsFrom the Time Off screens, users can add a new time off request or open the detail screens of individual requests. From the details screen, users can view, edit, and cancel the time off requests.
For all team members (My Time Off Requests screen)
- The Balances section displays the number of vacation and sick/personal time the team member has accrued.
- The Requests section displays requests for future time off requests.
- From the floating add button ( Image Removed Image Added ), team members can open a new time off request.
- Team members can now cancel pending requests.
For pending requests, managers can:
- Swipe left to quickly approve or deny a request.
- View available paid time off for employees.
- Approve or deny with comments.
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| messages-and-notifications |
| messages-and-notifications |
Messages and notificationsWith the new Messages screen, users can view and manage messages from managers and colleagues. The default view of the screen is the Inbox.
All team members can:
- See a list of their sent and deleted messages.
- Mark individual messages as read/unread by swiping a message.
- Mark multiple messages as read/unread by tapping the Edit button and selecting messages.
- Compose new messages by tapping the floating compose button ( Image Removed Image Added ).
SchedulingNew scheduling improvements enable team members to view their own schedules and those of their peers through calendars. Features include:
- My Schedule – This screen displays a list of currently published shifts. Team members see their next shift at the top of the screen. From this screen, they can request to drop a shift .
Peer Schedules – This screen displays a grid view of the team member's schedule, as well as the names of other team members who have the selected job.
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Note: Peers who have shifts in other jobs will appear as gray if it is a shift that is not for the selected job. |
On this screen, team members can:
- Change the job selection based on the jobs to which they have access.
- Select to give away or swap a shift with another employee or peer.
- Request to drop a shift.
- Open shifts – This screen displays a grid view of users' schedules, as well as any open shifts that are available for the selected job. On this screen, team members can:
- Change job selection based on jobs to which they have access.
- Request pickup of an open shift by selecting it.
- Request to drop a shift.
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| shift-requests |
| shift-requests |
Shift requestsOn the Shift Requests screen, managers can now create urgent pickup requests, enabling them to blast an open shift to employees to request coverage.
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| employee-availability-requests |
Employee availability requestsIn this release, team members can now add availability, which will be reflected in the Employee Maintenance component of
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. With this functionality, they can do the following:
- View current and pending availability.
- Edit current availability and submit for manager approval.
- Cancel pending availability.
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Note: Managers must manually update employee requests in the Employee Maintenance component of Include Page |
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Time cards Team members can now send messages about missed punches to managers.
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| employee-alerts |
| employee-alerts |
Employee alertsIn previous releases of the Mobile App, each employee alert type appeared as a menu option at the top of the manager home screen. Managers selected the options to open the detail screens. In this release, the Employee Alerts screen is the manager home screen and appears automatically when managers sign in. Alert types now appear as icons, which managers select to open the detail screens for the alert types.
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Note: Although the Call Ins alert appears in the new Employee Alerts screen, Call Ins also appears as a main menu option (as it did in previous versions). In this release, managers can access the Call Ins alert by either selecting the option in the main menu or by selecting the Call Ins icons in the Employee Alert screen. |
New registration processMobile App 2.0 introduces a new registration process for users:
For instructions, see Inviting employees to the Mobile App.
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| login-session |
| login-session |
Improvement to user login sessionMobile App users remain logged in for 60 days
When a user logs in to the Mobile App, the session now lasts for 60 days. The user is prompted to log in only if: