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Comment: Performance enhancements to various T&A reports



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version 9.08.01 includes the following improvements and new features:

  • A new Revenue Center Forecasting screen for both desktop and mobile.
  • An enhancement to the method by which forecast environments are applied.
  • User interface improvements to the Employee Maintenance screen.
  • Improvements to Budgeting functionality.
  • Improved performance and security for Budgeting reports.
  • Improved performance of Time & Attendance reports.
  • Flexibility to have different flow plans based on special occurrences that affect guest demand for service. 
  • A new Punch Rounding work rule.
  • A new statistical calculation method used in forecasting business volumes.
  • Ability to add day count labels to schedules in the Scheduling screen.
  • Enhancements to the Manage Event Orders screen.
  • Improvements to the Mobile App Time Card.
  • New messages in the Time Clock.


The Earnings section of the Mobile App Time Card screen now displays earnings that employees can enter at a Time Clock. With this streamlined functionality, employees can now use the Earning section to track their tips. 


Improved tracking of shifts spanning workweeks in reports  (13725, 13726)


Time & Attendance

Export/Print Option in the Attendance Violations and Events Screen  (11534)

The Attendance Points and Events screen (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Earnings). The worked, adjusted, paid, and break hours were shown on the first segment of a spanned shift and shown as "0.00" on the second. 

In this release, when the Regular Hours Distribution work rule is applied, the Shift Details and Earning Details reports now count a shift that spans two workweeks as a single shift but displays the shift in two sections. For example, a workweek might run from midnight, Monday morning to midnight, Sunday night. If a shift goes from 11 PM to 7 AM, then one hour (11 PM to 12 AM) is accounted for in the previous workweek. The rest of the hours (12:01 AM to 7 AM) are accounted for in the next workweek. A single dash (–) appears before the second section of a spanned shift to indicate that the shift is counted as one shift even though it appears in two sections. Regular, overtime (OT), double time (DT), hours, rates, and costs appear for the day on which they occurred during a planned shift. 


Note: A disclaimer message appears if there are hours distributed between workweeks.

Time & Attendance

Export/Print Option in the Attendance Violations and Events Screen  (11534)

The Attendance Points and Events screen (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Attendance Points and Events) now features options to print or export information on the screen.

Punch source now displayed for both open and closed pay periods in employee time cards  (14442)

In previous releases, when editing shifts in employee time cards (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Review Pay Period), the Edit Shift dialog box displayed the source of individual punches only in open pay periods. Once the period was closed, the punch source was no longer visible. In this release, when editing shifts for past periods in employees’ time cards, the Edit Shift dialog box now displays the source of individual punches for both open and past (closed) periods.Attendance Points and Events) now features options to print or export information on the screen.

Punch source now displayed for both open and closed pay periods in employee time cards  (14442)

In previous releases, when editing shifts in employee time cards (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Review Pay Period), the Edit Shift dialog box displayed the source of individual punches only in open pay periods. Once the period was closed, the punch source was no longer visible. In this release, when editing shifts for past periods in employees’ time cards, the Edit Shift dialog box now displays the source of individual punches for both open and past (closed) periods.

Time & Attendance,  Reports

Improved tracking of shifts spanning workweeks in reports  (13725, 13726)

In previous releases, when the Regular Hours Distribution work rule was applied, shifts that started at the end of a workweek and went into the next workweek were counted as two different shifts in the Shift Details and Earning Details reports (Reports > Time & Attendance > Earnings). The worked, adjusted, paid, and break hours were shown on the first segment of a spanned shift and shown as "0.00" on the second. 

In this release, when the Regular Hours Distribution work rule is applied, the Shift Details and Earning Details reports now count a shift that spans two workweeks as a single shift but displays the shift in two sections. For example, a workweek might run from midnight, Monday morning to midnight, Sunday night. If a shift goes from 11 PM to 7 AM, then one hour (11 PM to 12 AM) is accounted for in the previous workweek. The rest of the hours (12:01 AM to 7 AM) are accounted for in the next workweek. A single dash (–) appears before the second section of a spanned shift to indicate that the shift is counted as one shift even though it appears in two sections. Regular, overtime (OT), double time (DT), hours, rates, and costs appear for the day on which they occurred during a planned shift. 


Note: A disclaimer message appears if there are hours distributed between workweeks.

Improved performance of various Time & Attendance reports  (14700)

This release offers performance enhancements the following Time & Attendance reports:

  • Shift Details
  • Hours and Earnings Recap
  • Earnings Details
  • Hours Worked by Work Class
  • Average Hours Worked
  • Paycheck Approval
  • Unapproved Shifts
  • Minimum Wage
  • FLSA Minimum Wage

Time Clock

New message for unscheduled shifts  (14025)
