Versions Compared


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  1. In the Shift Operations section, click the gear menu (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, select Generate Schedules.
    The Generate Schedules dialog box appears.
  3. Complete the fields as necessary.
    For more information, see Generate Schedule dialog box - field descriptions.
  4. Click OK
    A Generating Schedules progress bar appears. When the progress bar reaches 100 percent, the schedules have been successfully generated. A Success dialog box appears. It confirms that the schedule was successfully generated.
  5. Click OK.
    The Success dialog box closes.

Copying schedules

Copying a schedule allows you to copy all filled shifts from one week to another week. This feature is helpful if you are not interested in using the Generate Schedules option for autoscheduling or if you are in a department where the schedule does not change much from planning period to planning period. 


Clearing schedules and shifts

Clearing schedules

Clearing schedules allows you to remove all assigned employees from the planned shifts. Use this option if you want to completely start over with the process of assigning planned shifts. 

  1. In the Shift Operations section, click the gear menu (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, select Clear Schedules.
    The Clear Schedules dialog box appears. Because you cannot undo the action, the message asks if you are sure you want to clear all shifts. 


    Warning: After the schedules have been cleared, you cannot undo this action.

  3. Click Yes.
    The Clear Schedules dialog box closes. All scheduled shifts are cleared from the schedule pane. In the Jobs view, the shift bars return to an unplanned status.

Clearing shifts

Clearing shifts deletes all shifts and removes the shift bars from the schedule pane. This feature is useful if you want to create your own shifts rather than use the planned shifts that are available on the schedule pane.
