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Sign out

Click to sign out of the Attendance Dashboard. This sign-out option is only available for RMS versions lower than 9.0.

Navigation menu

Opens the navigation menu so that you can select the different report screens.

The navigation menu contains a tile for each available report screen. Each tile displays the title and a brief description of the report screen.

Report screens include:

  • At a Glance - This report screen provides gauges and a table that displays information about employee attendance for the organization.
  • Employee List - This report screen provides a table that contains detailed attendance information for each employee.

Property Filter

This section contains filters for selecting different levels of an organization. As you select different levels, the organization layer updates in a breadcrumb format so that you can easily see what levels you are viewing in the reports. This text needs some work.

  • Total - total for all properties
  • Region - The geographic region that contains one or multiple properties.
  • Select a Property - The property within a region.
  • Select a Division - The division withing a property.
  • Select a Department - The department withing a division
  • Select a Job - The job role within a department.

Selected Dates

Displays the selected date range of the attendance information that you are viewing.


To change the the date range, go to the settings screen. For more information, see The Settings screen.

Settings menu

Opens the settings screen.

For more information, see The Settings screen.